TITLE: Lucy Isn’t Such a Bad Name…Right?
AUTHOR: Tiffany Clark ( tifclark@redbird.net ) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Nowhere, unless you have permission! ARCHIVE: http://www.redbird.net/clark/lucy.txt SPOILER WARNING: minor spoilers for the (6th season) X-Files episode Arcadia TIMELINE: March 20, 1999 in all worlds (TP, ER, XF, & H:LotS) RATING: G CLASSIFICATIONS: Crossover (ER/The Practice) SUMMARY: Lucy Knight (ER) chats with other "Lucy"'s in a chat room! DISCLAIMER: Lucy (don't even know if a last name has been mentioned!?), and the law firm Donnell, Young, Dole, & Frutt from The Practice belongs to D.E.K. Productions and ABC. Lucy Knight, and Dr. Carter belong to Warner Bros. Homicide: Life On The Street belongs to NBC. Mulder, Scully, and The X-Files belong to 1013 Productions. All used without permission. The characters homicide133 (aka Lucy Sayson), slygirl, and jediknight all belong to me. And the screen names toughstuff & LKnight99 as being used by Lucy & Lucy belong to me. Don't use without permission from me. AUTHOR NOTES: I've been noticed that these kind of stories have been going around on alt.tv.x-files.creative (chatting online fics), and I thought it be cool to write one. Then I thought of the idea of having the two Lucys meet in a chat room. I've always been a fan of both characters (even if the majority of the fans aren't), and they're isn't any fic about them. (and I don't count the Carter/Lucy ER fics. I mean them alone.) I don't watch Homicide, and don't know much about the show, so that's why I made pretty general comments that could be said about any show. :) The e-mail addresses, chat room, etc. don't really exist (as far as I know). Since this is fairly short, and the fact I don't think chats should be edited, they should be spur-of-the-moment, whatever happens happens kinds of things, because that is what they are, this isn't being edited or sent to anyone before I've posted it here (to a.t.e.c. & a.t.t-p) - 3/20/99. It's the first ER fanfic I've ever completed! :) Feedback? Send it to tifclark@redbird.net Lucy Isn't Such A Bad Name...Right? by Tiffany Clark tifclark@redbird.net Lucy Knight sighed. Another long day at work, where Dr. Carter had been harsher then usual. She opened the door to her dorm room where she shoved her stuff onto the floor and turned on her computer. While the computer started up, she took off her shoes, and checked her answering machine for messages. There were none. "Oh well," Lucy said out loud "I'm not really waiting for anyone to call me back or anything." She walked over to the computer where the logon screen had popped up. She quickly typed in her logon and password, and loged on to a chat room with other "Lucy"'s. (LKnight99:) hey everyone - a newbie to the room. (homicide133:) welcome LKnight! we bite sometimes tho! (slygirl:) don't listen to homicide LKnight, she likes to scare the newbies. So what do you do for a living? (jediknight:) hi newbie Lucy! (toughstuff:) I'm fairly new to this group LKnight99, and it's great to be surounded by fellow Lucy's! (jediknight:) slygirl, wanna send LKnight the FAQ? (LKnight99:) Thanks for the welcomes. I'm a 3rd year medical student in Chicago. It's hard work - my boss is rather harsh. (slygirl:) LKnight, what's your e-mail addy? I'll send your the FAQ to the chat room, and if you want, you can join the mailing list. (toughstuff:) I'm a secretary for Donnell, Young, Dole, and Frutt - which is a law firm in Boston. The people there are harsh sometimes too. Sometimes I think they hate me, and sometimes, they are great. (jediknight:) I'm a radio DJ in Seattle. (slygirl:) I run the Lucy Unite website, chat room (and FAQ for it), and the mailing list in my spare time. And a mom to 4 children in real life. (LKnight99:) it's knight_-@ccg.com You all are welcome to e-mail me, I hardly get any e-mail. Make sure to tell me which one you are (what your screen name is), so I know, and so that I don't get you all confused. (homicide133:) I'm not allowed to give out info about myself. (jediknight:) homicide, that's ok, I understand. It took until I moved out and got a life of my own before I could give out info; my parents wouldn't let me. (slygirl:) So do you want the FAQ or to join the list or what? (LKnight99:) toughstuff, I'd love to talk to you personally, e-mail me please! :) (slygirl:) homicide, did you get your name from watching H:LotS? That's one of my favorite TV shows!! (toughstuff:) you sound interesting too LKnight, I'll e-mail you when I get the chance. I hardly get the time to be on, my job is quite demanding. Right now everyone is out of the office for something or other, so I get my time. (homicide133:) you betcha! Homicide is one of the best shows out there. I've been worried what they've been doing to the show though. (LKnight99:) I'll join the mailing list, and get the FAQ. (jediknight:) I must jet, I'm on the air at 7 am tomorrow morning. And I need to get some stuff done. (slygirl:) I totally agree. :-) So do you write fanfic? (slygirl:) bye! (LKnight99:) toughstuff, you still there? (toughstuff:) yeah, just don't have anything to say! (slygirl:) I'll sign you up right away LKnight! (toughstuff:) see ya jedi! (homicide133:) bye jediknight! come back soon! ******jediknight leaves Lucy's Unite Chat Room***** (LKnight99:) Thanks slygirl! (homicide133:) yeah, I'm really into H:LotS fic, though I'm getting into X-Files fic. Mulder & Scully are cool. :-) (LKnight99:) I love that show! (slygirl:) don't have time to watch the show (toughstuff:) great show. the unresolved sexual tension between M&S is wonderfully acted out! (homicide133:) I'm partial to a Skinner/Scully pairing (slygirl:) I heard Jillyan Anderson is quitting the XF! And I've been reading it in lots of entertainment mags! (homicide133:) it's Gillian (toughstuff:) it's Gillian Anderson (LKnight99:) I've been into X-Files fic for awhile. I'm into case files, and stories told in first person. homicide? (homicide133:) post-episode (slygirl:) ok ok ok! sorry! Actually my youngest is asking for me to read him a story. I'll be back tomorrow. (homicide133:) see ya soon slygirl. Let's discuss Homicide some more sometiem! (LKnight99:) bye slygirl! thanks for being so welcoming of me! (homicide133:) did you see Arcadia? ******slygirl leaves Lucy's Unite Chat Room***** (toughstuff:) bye slygirl (LKnight99:) yeah, loved it! M&S had some classic lines! (toughstuff:) like Mulder saying "Laura" was into the "new age" stuff. (homicide133:) one of the best lines of the episode! (LKnight99:) I agree (homicide133:) do you write/read XF fic toughstuff? (toughstuff:) I better go. Bobby looks mad. BYE! ******toughstuff leaves Lucy's Unite Chat Room***** (homicide133:) so did you think M&S did a good job, undercover and all? I can't believe this didn't make one of the get a little too into character and do something like kiss at least! (LKnight99:) being a fencesitter, I wouldn't be overjoyed or depressed if M/s kissed. (homicide133:) you know your XF terms! I'm impressed! (LKnight99:) yeah, well... (homicide133:) actually I hate to do this, but I must go too. (LKnight99:) Well, hope to catch you here some other time. Feel free to e-mail me, it's knight_-@ccg.com (homicide133:) nice meeting you fellow Lucy! :) My real name is Lucy Sayson in case you were wondering. My e-mail is luc-@homicidefan.zzn.com (LKnight99:) later! :) ******homicide133 leaves Lucy's Unite Chat Room***** *****LKnight99 leaves Lucy's Unite Chat Room***** Lucy got offline, turned off the computer, and smiled. Maybe Lucy wasn't such a bad name after all. The End |